Capstone Project

Alejandro Ciuba presents a poster
Alejandro Ciuba presents at the University of Pittsburgh Undergraduate Research Fair, 2023

The distinction will culminate in a capstone project through which students will have the opportunity to communicate about their research experience with external audiences.

The primary means of completing this mechanism is a poster presentation summarizing your involvement in a research project (what you did, what you found, why it matters). All students are encouraged to submit their project for consideration to the Pitt Undergraduate Research Fair organized by the Office of the Provost.

Students will also be encouraged to present their work as it unfolds at other local conferences, such as:

Pittsburgh Undergraduate Review cover
Pittsburgh Undergraduate Review

As an alternative, the distinction will also accept a capstone project in the form of a paper publication in the Pitt Undergraduate Review.

If you have communicated you research experience and learning via other means, you may also petition to have that count as the capstone project.