Douglas Getty

Graduate Student, Dr. Fraundorf

Department of Psychology

Cognitive Program

Research Interests

In the cognitive domain, my research interests are in the cognitive mechanisms of language processing and memory, as well as quantitative methods.

Recent Publications

Getty, D., J., Wei, X., & Chen, L. (2024). Independent semantic and syntactic representations in L2 mandarin learners: Evidence from structural priming. Education Science.

Maeroff, D., Fraundorf, S., & Getty, D. J. (2023). Auditory stimuli preferences and reading comprehension in the classroom. Cambridge Journal of Human Behavior.

Constantine, R. R., Getty, D. J., & Fraundorf, S. H. (2022). The role of priming in grammatical acceptability judgements for native versus non-native speakers: Effects of intelligibility. PLOS One.

News and Awards

Kudos Douglas Getty for being one of 12 Pitt students recognized by the National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowship Program for his work in psycholinguistics, psychology.

April 22, 2020


Kudos to Doug Getty (graduate student with Scott Fraundorf) who was awarded the prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Also, three other current LRDC members received an Honorable Mention: Beverly Iniguez Conrique (graduate student with Kevin Binning), Quentin King-Shepard (graduate student with Tim Nokes-Malach), and Andrea Tovar (HMB fellow with Natasha Tokowicz).

March 2020

[Person photo]



(412) 624-5019

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